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Publication Integration Between Aqli And Naqli In Development Of Database For Hospital Information System(International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research, 2015) ;Muhammad Mursyidan Mah Dahwi ;Waidah Ismail ;Asma Abd Rahman ;Azlan HusinRosline HassanDatabase era has been appear during Prophet Muhammad S.A.W. We are using the same concept but only deployed in the medical environment with security features which is related to aqli and naqli. The development of a system not only covered the ability of the system to be functioned and execute very well but a good and efficient system must be able to communicate with the users and become a user friendly system. This research is about developing Hospital Patient Information System developed for Hematology Ward and Hemato-oncology Laboratory at the Hospital UniversitiSains Malaysia (HUSM) based on the aqli and naqli. It lacks of security in term of data integrity of the system. It will be enhanced in its security features which will be implemented with the data integrity feature and also password encryption to overcome the problems. As a result, an automated calculation of blood series and graph production as for data analysis will be implemented in this system.An approach of agile method is the chosen process to be used in realizing this research. This system will come out with the ability of protection in data integrity, password encryption and automatic calculation in order to reduce the fraud and human errors. - Some of the metrics are blocked by yourconsent settings
Publication دور استراتيجية البرامج التدريبية على أداء العاملين بوزارة اإلعالم العمانية في ضوء خطة التنمية المهنية(Journal Of Humanities, Language, Culture And Business, 2017) ;Asma Abd RahmanBusaidy Al-Suhad Said HumaidThe objective of this study is to know the fact of how the strategy of training is implementing in the Ministry of information in the Sultanate of Oman and also the standards of employees performance, and to what extent there are differences between the functional and personal factors (gender, age, educational qualification, number of years of experience) and how training can be the important feature that can lead the Ministry of information in the Sultanate to the success. The researcher used the descriptive approach, where the study consisted all the employees that works in the office of the Ministry of information in the Sultanate of Oman in the year (2014), and the total number of employees and administrative are (435), also the rate of the study sample represent (35%), and there have been selected all the directorate in the Ministry of information in the Sultanate randomly, where the number of individuals of the sample is (120) employee, and the tool of the study is consist (47) phrase distributed into six axis. Results of the study shows that all fields are getting the higher standards, the fields can be mentioned as (Organizers of the training, methods, training programs content), also the fields got the higher arithmetic averages, and that can prove that the role of implementing the training strategy in the Ministry of information and the performance of the employees in the Ministry are in the high standard. Also the results shows that there are differences which have statistically significant in the level of (a 0.05) with the success of training factors in the human resource development in the Ministry of information in the Sultanate of Oman and also the variable of educational qualification with the training programs for male. Also there are no differences which have statistically significant at the level ( a=0.05) with the success of training factors in human resources development in the Ministry of information in the Sultanate of Oman and the variable of years of experience in all the fields of study. The study recommended many recommendations such as: there should be attentions on the training environment and also to organize a valid place for the training with the organization which is responsible for the training, to provide the tools which can help in reaching the objective which is the success of training process and methods with highest results, also necessity of following up the results of training with the department which is specialized on the controlling of the training quality, and there should be a new methods and process to provide the tools which can be a technological tool that can help transfer the information in the best way, to provide the trainers with the higher quality in the training areas and also the communication tools. With the recommendations, the study recommended group future studies such as: Study the role of training in professional development to the employees of the Ministry of information in the Sultanate of Oman, and also the effect of social media in improving the new informative - Some of the metrics are blocked by yourconsent settings
Publication طرق تعليم مصطلح التراكيب اللغوية العربية في القواعد العربية مع نموذج مقترح(Faculty of Language, Arabic litterature and Arts University of Batna, 2009) ;Mohamad Rahimi Nik YusofAsma Abd Rahmanشهد التعليم في ماليزيا رعاية واهتمام من قبل الدولة الماليزية إدراكا منها بأن التعليم هو المستقبل. كما كرست جميع مجهوداتها وبذلت قصارى جهدها في بناء الدولة بأيدي أبناؤه. ويتسم العصر الحديث بالتفجر اللغوي المعرفي والتكنولوجي. الأمر الذي سهل اتصال المجتمع ببعضه للدرجة التي سمي بــــ "القرية اللغوية الإلكترونية". وتهدف ورقة العمل هذه إلى التطرق إلى طرق تعليم التراكيب اللغوية العربية في القواعد العربية مع نموذج مقترح. وتعد اللغة العربية لغة العصر والعلم حالياً .وهي اللغة المتداولة غالباً في الإنترنت. وبذلك أضحى تعلمها ضرورياً. وتدرس اللغة العربية في ماليزيا ابتداء من المرحلة الابتدائية. وتعطي كمقررات في التعليم الجامعي لغير المتخصصين في اللغة العربية. وغالباً ما تدرس اللغة العربية بطريقة المحاضرة، على الرغم من توافر بعض الوسائل التعليمية والإنترنت. كما أن بعض الطلبة لازلن يعانين من بعض مشاكل تعلم اللغة العربية رغم اشترط اجتياز امتحان تحديد مستوى اللغة العربية. وتكمن أهمية الدراسة في كونها ركزت على إحدى الطرق التعليمية التي تعد غائبة في مناهجنا التعليمية والتي نحن بحاجة لها. كما تكمن في الدمج بين هذه الطريقة المنهجية وبين الاعتماد على إحدى وسائل التكنولوجية الحديثة وتطويرها. كما تهدف ورقة العمل إلى كيفية تطوير المحاضرة عن طريق الوسائل التعليمية الحديثة بالتركيز على الإنترنت. وبطريقة تجعل عملية التعلم تشاركيه وبذلك نقضي على سلبيات التعلم الفردي الذي قد يسبب عزلة المتعلم عن زملاؤه. ونحن بذلك ندخل تحت مظلة بل ثورة في مناهج اللغة العربية ألا وهي: منهج اللغة العربية المعد لأهداف محددة (Arabic for specific purposes) ويعد منهج اللغة العربية المعد لأهداف محددة (Arabic for specific purposes) أحد الطرائق الحديثة لبناء المناهج بطريقة تخدم دارسي اللغة في دراسة اللغة مرتبطة بمجال دراسته. وقد يثار تساؤل بخصوص وجود كتب معدة من قبل المتخصصين بمجالات متعددة مثل المجالات الطبية أو التجارية وغيرها. والسؤال هل أعدت هذه الكتب لهذه الكلية بما يتناسب مع فلسفتها وأهدافها ومجتمعها الذي تخدم فيه؟ من هذه الأسئلة نشأت فكرة المنهج لأهداف محددة. والأهم في هذا كله: هل يمكن أن يبنى منهج يعتمد على الكتاب في ظل الانفجار التكنولوجي. ويمكننا التوسع في تطبيق ذلك على بعض المقررات إذا ما أمكن. ومن هذا المنطلق اقترحت هذه الدراسة جزئية من مقرر اللغة العربية لأهداف محددة. - Some of the metrics are blocked by yourconsent settings
Publication مصطلحات التمر واللبن في القرآن والسنة دراسة تحليلية لغوية داللية اتيمولوجية تطبيقية(Journal Of Humanities, Language, Culture And Business, 2017) ;Asma Abd RahmanMaryam Abd RahmanDates have an important role in the lives of the people of the Arabian Peninsula throughout history; it is the food of the poor, the rich and the rich, the traveler and the expatriate, and it was a major food for long times. Allah chose food for Maryam without other foods. Dates are energy-rich fruits. This linguistic terminology about dates mentioned in the Quran and Sunnah purified, and became among the scientific developments and miraculous exciting, which relate to the study of the Quran through linguistic analysis and benefit from the efforts of linguists geniuses.The most important of these studies is the method of syntax, where linguists and researchers found that the curriculum has an invaluable scientific value.They adapted the curriculum to conform to the concepts of Arabic linguistics and to root the meanings of Quranic verses in the field of linguistics. In order to continue their efforts, this study has been shown to try to solve a problem related to the syntactic grammar method, and it will be systematic in the research to collect what the commentators said in the verses and the noble prophetic traditions that appear in the dates and to derive benefits and sentences from them, And we will attribute the verses to its walls, and the graduation of the hadiths, if the hadeeth is in the saheehayn or one of them is sufficient for it, otherwise we will get rid of it as much as possible, and we will not translate the flags in the research so as not to prolong the search. And then apply it in the Quranic verses, which have not been done before in any scientific research, and discover the extent of its absorption among students of Islamic studies at the Islamic Science University of Malaysia. It is worth mentioning that the researchers followed a systematic approach to this research by following the analytical descriptive approach and the field approach that deals with understanding the extent of students' comprehension by distributing the questionnaire analyzed by the special computer statistical program. They collected data from sources, references, previous studies, scientific messages, complement this subject.The researchers chose everything related to the subject and arranged it. This method was applied in the context of the Qur'anic verses literally or morally in a scientific way. However, the researchers used the syntactic approach to the terminology of the date and the rewriting of the sentences to apply each of them in the Quranic verses. At the end of the research, the researchers concluded that the constructivist approach not only provided an up-to-date grammatical analytical method, but also helped the Muslim nation of Southeast Asia facilitate the understanding of Quranic and moral verses.