Publication: Jawi Book Risalah Syarat-Syarat dan Rukun-Rukun Sembahyang by Hajjah Khadijah Binti Tok Selehor: An Introduction
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Hajjah Khadijah binti Tok Selehor is a female figure from Malaysia in the 20th century. Inheriting religious knowledge from his father Tok Selehor, who is a prominent Kelantanese scholar, she has produced several works of Jawi books in various fields. The objective of this study is to highlight her brief biography and analyse the content of her Jawi book titled Risalah Syarat-Syarat dan Rukun-Rukun Sembahyang. This study focuses on the background of the book, the text transliteration, and romanisation of the original text from Jawi to Rumi script. It is done without any amendments to the structure of the sentence and the language style to preserve the original meaning. The design of this study is library research, and data collection is obtained from Jawi book, journal articles, books, and websites. Research findings show that the book discussed Fiqh knowledge by focusing on prayer’s conditions and pillars. The book is written in a clear, concise, and easy-to-understand style of language.
E-Prosiding Seminar Kearifan Nusantara Kali Ke-5 (2024): “Memartabatkan Masyarakat Madani Nusantara Berlandaskan Kearifan Al-Quran Dan Sunnah” / Penyunting: Syed Najihuddin Syed Hassan, Nur Saadah Hamisan@Khair, Shah Rizul Izyan Zulkiply, Nurul Izzatul Huda Mohamad Zainuzi
20-23 Januari 2024 / 8-11 Rejab 1445H
Penganjur: Fakulti Pengajian Quran and Sunnah, Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia (USIM) & Muzium Manuskrip al-Quran Narathiwat Thailand
Jawi book, Khadijah binti Tok Selehor, Risalah Syarat-Syarat dan Rukun-Rukun Sembahyang.
Syed Hassan, S. N., Hamisan@Khair, N. S., Zulkiply, S. R. I., & Mohamad Zainuzi, I. H. (Eds.). (2024). In E-Prosiding Seminar Kearifan Nusantara Kali Ke-5 (2024) (pp. 1–1203). Penerbit USIM.