Publication: Penggunaan Berita dan Foto Daripada Agensi Berita Antarabangsa di Utusan Malaysia dan New Straits Times di Kejohanan Bola sepak Piala Dunia 2002
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University of Malaya
News reporting and photographs on foreign sport that has been shown in the local newspapers are extract fromthe international news agencies such as Reuters, Associated Press (AP) and Agence France-Presse (AFP)which are the primary suppliers of the overseas’ news. The research are done in order to study on the use of newsmaterials and photographs during the World Cup FIFA 2002 which was held in Korea and Japan in June2002. The research findings has shown that Utusan Malaysia (UM) and New Straits Times (NST) hasbeen using news materials and photographs from the international primary news agencies to be printed in theirnewspapers. Both newspapers have different tendency in using those news materials and photographs from thoseinternational news agencies. The differences can be seen from the usage of news materials and photographsspecifically at the front page and sport columns.
News, Photojournalism, Utusan Malaysia, News Stratis Times