Investigation of Blood Parasites of Birds and Rodents at Tasik Abrar Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia

Research Projects

Organizational Units

Journal Issue


Rodent and birds are the common hosts for parasites especially blood parasites and the important vectors in carrying diseases. Some of the parasites that carried by these rodents and birds that had significant importance such as triggering diseases are Babesia sp., Hepatozoon sp. and Trypanosoma sp. The study was carried out in a lake located in Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia campus. The rodents were trapped by using cage trap and baited with palm oil seed. Birds were captured using mist nets. The blood was extracted from the tail of trapped rodents and birds. Many thin layers of blood smears were obtained and brought for examination. The study reveals the presence of several blood parasites that commonly found in rodents that can be observed under microscopic observation. The findings show that the intensive documentation should be conducted for better campus landscape management.


E-Proceeding: Insan Junior Researcher International Conference (iJURECON) 2020 Date: 17-18 November 2020 Organized by: Kolej Genius Insan Virtual Conference Page:68-71


Rodentia order, birds, blood smear, parasites

