Keperluan Bahasa Arab dan Komponen Utama Pembangunan Aplikasi Smart Mobile untuk Pelancongan Islam di Selangor: Satu Kajian Literatur

Research Projects

Organizational Units

Journal Issue


Over the past two decades, the Islamic lifestyle market has grown as a Shariah compliant product. Services sectors such as halal food, Islamic tourism and Islamic finance have been important components in boosting the global economy. With increasing awareness of the growing number of Muslim tourists, many tourism industry offering special products and services that are developed and designed in accordance with Islamic principles to meet the needs and desires of these tourists. This study focuses on the need for Arabic language in Islamic tourism as well as the key components that must be provided in developing an Islamic tourism application. The results show that there are still no tourism applications in Selangor that meet the standards set by the Organization of Islamic Operation (OIC). Therefore, it is a requirement of developing Islamic Shariah compliant Islamic tourism applications to facilitate and entertain Arab tourists when visiting Selangor. If properly developed and managed, the economic development activities of the Islamic tourism in Selangor can be enhanced and indirectly introduced closer to the attractions of the state. Keywords: Arabic Language, Application Development, Smart Mobile, Islamic Tourism.



Arabic Language,, Application Development,, Smart Mobile,, Islamic Tourism


Mohammad Imran Ahmad, Mohammad Najib Jaafar, Ahmad Syukri Adnan, & Naqibah Mansor. (2020). Keperluan Bahasa Arab dan Komponen Utama Pembangunan Aplikasi Smart Mobile untuk Pelancongan Islam di Selangor: Satu Kajian Literatur: Arabic Language Requirements and Major Key Components of Smart Mobile Development Applications for Islamic Tourism in Selangor: A Literature Study. The Sultan Alauddin Sulaiman Shah Journal (JSASS), 7(2), 13-31. Retrieved from