Awareness Of Nanotechnology Among Gifted and Talented Students In Kolej Genius Insan (Malaysia)

Research Projects

Organizational Units

Journal Issue


As the world has grown in the field of technology, science, education and modernism, many countries have started to educate the young generation about the necessity of knowledge in terms of nanotechnology. In Malaysia, the Ministry of Education has developed a new syllabus in educating secondary level students (Form 1 to Form 5 within age from 13 to 17 years old) called Kurikulum Standard Sekolah Menengah (KSSM). In KSSM, Form 5 students are exposed to nanotechnology in Chemistry subject, an elective subject studied by pure science students. The main objective in introducing this topic is to educate the young generation of the importance of nanotechnology in daily life. Therefore, this study was conducted in order to measure the level of nanotechnology awareness in Kolej GENIUS Insan’s students. The data was collected from 268 students by using online survey form. The results briefly indicated that 72% of respondents agree that they do not receive enough exposure to have a good understanding of nanotechnology. However, 59% of respondents perceive that nanotechnology provides high benefits while 3% believe that this will provide high risks in industry. Moreover, apart of the good efforts of Ministry of Education in including nanotechnology in KSSM syllabus, several ways that were suggested by the respondents to increase the awareness and exposure level of nanotechnology also will be discussed in detail.


E-Proceedings 3rd Insan Junior Researchers International Conference 2022 (iJURECON 2022) : "STREAM for a better future”/Editors: Rahayu Ahmad, Muhammad Azan Tamar Jaya, Ahmad Fuad Mohamad Amin, Nur Aisyah Mohamed, Nur Fatin Fathillah Mazlan. 21-23rd October 2022 (Virtual Conference) Organized By : Kolej Genius Insan,USIM


Nanotechnology; awareness; gifted and talented students

