Human Rights: An Overview of Islamic Dimensions

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UKM Press

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Misconceptious about Islamic Law remain, especially in the West, regarding the connection of the concept of Islamic State with human rights in general, and the rights of the non-muslims in particular. These misconceptions are due to a lack or absence of exposure of an Islamic theory of human rights, and the domination of the Western version of human rights in eduction, thoughts and its influence in the international media and forums. As a result, the West seems to be less appreciative of the non-Western values on human rights. This article attempts to remove some of these misunderstandings, and highlight some of the Islamic contributions, approaches and dimensions in the protection of human rights. Also, to show the universality of the Islamic theory , in dealing, not oly with the multi-religious and racial elements within the natural boundaries, but also with interntional relation in a plural world, especially in the process of establishing a new world order.



Human Rights, Islamic State, Islamic law
