Publication: منهاج "مسارك المهني" ودوره في ريادة الأعمال: لدى طلبة التعليم ما بعد الأساسي بسلطنة عمان
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Persatuan Bekas Mahasiswa Islam Timur Tengah
For more than a decade, the "Career Track" program has been implemented in the post-primary schools for grades 11-12 in the Sultanate of Oman. To help student to define their future career, according to their own preferences, the job market, the direction of entrepreneurship, after completion of a high school or university, as an alternative to jobs. The problem is that, despite the Sultanate's interest in entrepreneurship, encouraging, providing technical and material support for young students to enter the entrepreneurship arena, Omani youth are still hesitant to practice entrepreneurship and see in government jobs their future and choice. The researcher noted that only a small percentage; (10%) of the students have a desire to enter entrepreneurship, and that the relationship between studying the curriculum of your professional career and the trends of entrepreneurship is very weak. Therefore, this quantitative research aims to discuss the relationship between the "career path" and the direction of post-primary education students towards entrepreneurship. Using the descriptive approach, data were collected from a sample of (50) students of post-primary schools in “Al Batinah”, by identifying the relationship between the curriculum and students' attitudes towards entrepreneurship. The findings revealed that; students' attitudes toward entrepreneurship were generally positive, with a high correlation. And that “your career” has a statistically significant impact on student attitudes towards entrepreneurship.
Volume 4 No.2 (page: 177-192)
career track, entrepreneurship, post-foundation education.