القراءات القرآنية بين المقاصد الإعجازية والأبعاد الوظيفية :مقصدا حفظ العقل والع رض أنموذجًا

dc.contributor.authorZayd Thabit Abdulrahmmanen_US
dc.contributor.authorMohd Faizulamri Mohd Saaden_US
dc.contributor.authorSabri Mohamaden_US
dc.contributor.authorAhmed Olewi Husseinen_US
dc.descriptionThe 4th International Conference of Postgraduate Students and Academics in Syariah and Law 2023 (4th INPAC 2023) “Pengajian Syariah dan Undang-Undang dalam Mendepani Cabaran Kontemporari” Editors (Malay & English) : Nur Aina Abdulah, Mashitah Abdul Mutalib, Siti Syahirah Saffinee, Nur Al-Farhain Kamaruzaman, Zizi Azlinda Mohd Yusof, Mualimin Mochammad Sahid, Hussein 'Azeemi Abdullah Thaidi, Muhammad Aunurrochim Mas'ad Saleh, Haliza A. Shukor, Mariam Saidona Tagoranao. Editors (Arabic) : Munir Ali Abdul Rab, Mahmoud Mohamed Ali Mahmoud Edris, Nurul Ain Binti Hazram, Ahmad Zaki Salleh, Baidar Mohammed Mohammed Hasan, Setiyawan Bin Gunardi, Fithriah Wardi, Lutfi Bin Mohamed Zain Organizer: Faculty of Syariah and Law 17 March 2023en_US
dc.description.abstractThis study aims to show how inferences are drawn when the recitations of the Holy Quran are different. The study also explains the effect of this difference on their miraculous purposes. To accomplish these goals, an introduction to basic concepts and terminology, as well as an examination of the aspects of miracles based on differences in recitations and the characteristics of miraculous deductions, are examined. The study utilized the descriptive, analytical, and deductive approaches to show the extent to which the miracle was achieved and highlight the scientific and cognitive aspects in evidence of the miracles of the recitations and the marvels of their systems. The significance of the study lies in the service of the Holy Quran and its recitations in their different aspects and the diversity of their meanings. This study is also important because it explains and directs the meanings deduced from the semantics of the words, standing on the goals of the deductions, which were represented by preserving the mind and preserving honor. The findings concluded that recitations have a significant impact on the agreement of basic features of meanings in eliciting rulings. The differences in the recitation of the Holy Quran indicated the keenness of the Sharia to preserve the mind from vices and intoxicants, preserving honor and its moral purpose. In this way, the nucleus of a civil society will be formed, especially in light of the rule of chaos in the life of human societies .en_US
dc.identifier.citationAbdulah, N. A., Abdul Mutalib, M., Saffinee, S. S. et al. (2023). In The 4th International Conference of Postgraduate Students and Academics in Syariah and Law 2023 (4th INPAC 2023). USIM Press.en_US
dc.identifier.isbne-ISBN: 9786297534947
dc.publisherUSIM Pressen_US
dc.relation.conferenceThe 4th International Conference of Postgraduate Students and Academics in Syariah and Law 2023 (4th INPAC 2023)en_US
dc.subjectreadings, miraculousness, reason, presentation .en_US
dc.titleالقراءات القرآنية بين المقاصد الإعجازية والأبعاد الوظيفية :مقصدا حفظ العقل والع رض أنموذجًاen_US


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