Usability of i-TALK PISMEN for Student with Visually Impairment’s Skill

Research Projects

Organizational Units

Journal Issue


This research is conducted to identify the media-assisted learning aids used by students with visual impairment (SwVI) in learning Quran and the usability of i-TALK PISMEN application among them. There are variety of teaching and learning aids (TLAs) available in the market, but they are limited in developing and researching for SwVI requirements especially for Islamic Education subjects. This is because the lack of studies conducted on Islamic Teaching and Learning (TLA) and also shown effect towards SwVI in expansively learning the Quran. Therefore, this research focuses on identifying i-TALK PISMEN application and analysing the usability of i-TALK PISMEN Form 1 in aspect of students’ skill mastery.


Vol. 4 No. 2 (2020)


Media Assisted Quranic Learning, i-TALK PISMEN, Students with Visual Impairment, Quran for special need


Ja’afar, N., & Mohd Nabil, N. (2020). Usability of i-TALK PISMEN for Student with Visually Impairment’s Skill. Journal of Quran Sunnah Education & Special Needs, 4(2), 1-10.