Effects Of Using Audio (hearing) And Visual (sight) Techniques To The Teacher Self Efficacy In Teaching Ibadah: Pilot Study Among Excellent Teachers Of Islamic Education. Tinta Artikulasi Membina Ummah (tamu)

Research Projects

Organizational Units

Journal Issue


In order to renurture students’ interest in learning Ibadah, it is imperative that Teacher of Islamic Education (Tie) utilize the right and suitable teacing technique and model. Past studies have shown that exposure to various teaching models and techniques may assist in enhancing students’ interest in learning that results in them excelling their education. Nonetheless, such exposure is not much emphasized by TIe. In addition, educators are also facing with problems in producing effective instruction due to the reason that they do not fully understand their students’ interest and learning style. Teachers’ failure in identifying appropriate learning style will result in students’ becoming disinterested in learning. In order to obtain an effectiveness of the teaching and learning process at the optimal level, TIe must identify students’ learning styles as well as using an appropriate strategy. One of the teaching techniques that teachers can employ is the audio and visual technique. Studies have shown that teachers' self-efficacy (SE) beliefs were examined as determinants of their job satisfaction and students' academic achievement. In addition, studies also found that teaching strategies and techniques is one of the prominent factors that led to high SE of a teacher. Precisely, this study will: 1) identify the using of audio (hearing) and visual (sight) for Excellent Teachers of Islamic Education (ETIe) in teaching subject Ibadah and 2) to analyse the effects of using audio (hearing) and visual (sight) techniques towards the SE of ETIe. This study used a qualitative approach while interview and observation are as the main instruments. This study has also seen to have implications for the policy and practice of teaching among Teachers of Islamic Education TIe. Keywords: audio, visual, teacher self-efficacy, Teacher of Islamic Education



audio,, visual,, teacher self-efficacy,, Teacher of Islamic Education


Tinta Artikulasi Membina Ummah 3(1), 2017 82-89, e-ISSN: 2289-960X