Publication: Pembentukan Pengukuran Personaliti Pendakwah
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Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia
This study was carried out to developed a tool to measure the profile of a da'i. A few data collection techniques were employed to collect data from various sources namely, library research, the printed and electronic mass media and the experts in the field. Based on the data collected, the tool was developed. The tool was constructed based on Five primary concepts; "akhlak" or moral, knowledge and academic qualification, professional skills, leadership qualities and physical appearance. Each concept was developed based on a few specific sub-constructs. The construct of confidence, patience, honesty, passion, tawadduk, guiding and assistance made up the concept of moral. As for professional skills, the concept was built upon the construct of language of proficiency, ICT skills, psychological aspect, dakwah methodology and understanding of dakwah target. Leadership qualities can be evaluated through the ability to lead oneself, family and the community. 162 items were developed for the tools. Validity and realibility tests were carried out. Five psychological conselling experts were consulted to test the validity of the instrument.1t was confiremd by the experts that the tool has the validity of .7 while improvements were also done as recommended. For the purposes of proving the realibility of the study, 56 dai's were selected through stratified random sampling to test the realibility of the instrument. The findings revealed that the realibility coefficents for the component of confidence is ,8936, .7966 for passion, .7594 for tawadduk, .7579 for honesty, and .9526 for the ability of understanding dakwah target while the effort to assist scored .7526 of the realibility value, and .9000 for communication skills, 3656 for ICT competency, 3025 for dakwah methodology, .73 17 for psychological skills and .8658 for language proficiency. Finally, the academic qualification construct claimed .6975 of realibility coefficiency value. The overall realibility coefficients score for UPP KUIM was very high which is .9678. A manual for the UPP KUIM was developed for users of the tool which later published in a form of a compact disc (CD).