The New Approach Of Understanding Hadiths Kawni Through Scientific Facts

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Human Resource Management Academic Research Society

Research Projects

Organizational Units

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Nabawi Hadith is the second source of Islamic Shari’a revealed by Allah s.w.t to MuHammad s.a.w. Other than explaining the laws, it also elaborates on matters related to the universe and humans (hadith kawni). Some of the hadiths include the group of mushkil al-hadith. In line with the exponential development of scientific fields, some of the scholars have benefited from scientific research in their understanding of the hadith texts. In most of the circumstances, scientific interpretations and iʿjaz ʿilmi are seen to highlight the image of Islam as the religion of knowledge and science, sometimes causing some parties to make scientific interpretation blindly and carelessly. This study seeks to explain the guideline (dawabit) in understanding kawni hadiths through scientific research. The study outcome shows that scientific facts can be benefited as the wasilah in understanding kawni hadiths.


Volume10, No. 8


New Approach, Kawni Hadith, Scientific Facts, Tafsir ʿilmi, Iʿjaz ʿilmi.
