Perang Badar dan Uhud: Satu Analisis Strategi Peperangan dan Pertahanan Nabi Muhammad SAW

Research Projects

Organizational Units

Journal Issue


The purpose of this study was to analyse some aspect of defence and war strategy in the battles of Badr and Uhud that was being planned and lead by Prophet Muhammad PBUH in ensuring fair justice and human rights for Islamic expansion. His details and well arranged plans had formed up the formidable force to oppose the enemy's threat. The effective strategy by the Prophet Muhammad PBUH had defeated the enemy in the battlefield. The Prophet had successfully imparted the greatness of moral values and strong spirits that molded his soldiers to be psychologically and physically strong. The Muslim soldiers successfully fought in the battlefield due to their embracing of the teaching of al-Koran and learning from the leadership of Prophet Muhammad PBUH. The Prophet outlined laws and rule of war to ensure fair justice and to avoid discrimination among the prisoners of war. For every military action the Prophet Muhammad PBUH applied Musyawarah among his companions. With the message of Allah to go for war, the Prophet Muhammad PBUH had shown proper concept of war such as to follow the laws and rules of war, human rights, justice and not allowing revenge, aggressiveness, and hostilities except against wrongdoers. Therefore, this article highlights the defence and war strategy, techniques and tactics and other relevant factors that led to the victory of Muslim soldiers in the battles.



Defence and war strategy, Leadership, Concepts of war,The Holy Koran
