Knowledge integration in the Quran: A case of its economic content

Research Projects

Organizational Units

Journal Issue


In the age of scientific revolution, religious sciences are often seen as incompatible with contemporary popular knowledge. For Islam, its scholars categorically refute any such claim regarding its Holy Scripture, the Quran. They instead believe that the knowledge contents of the Quran cannot be contradictory to any established scientific fact, and it is a source of unity in diversity of knowledge. This study focuses on retrieving information from Quranic content of economics to explore this unity. Many forms of applications are available to retrieve information from Quran. Most of these have been semantic searches rather than thematic. To fill this gap, this paper develops an ontology for economic related verses of the Quran. Using data reduction, data clustering, authenticity verification, and data retrieval we obtained a better human-computer interaction for understanding the Quranic dimension of knowledge integration. � 2017 American Scientific Publishers All rights reserved.



Economic in the quran, Isntegration in the quran, Knowledge integration, Multi-disciplinary knowledge

