The Development Of Transformational Leadership Module Based On Social Audit Conducted In Pagoh, Malaysia

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Othman Ab. Rahman
Sapora Sipon
Mohd Yahya Arifin

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Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia

Research Projects

Organizational Units

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Social audit involve the process of measuring, reporting, understanding and improving the social ability of the society. In view of this, this research was conducted with the aim to develop the Tuan Guru Haji Mohd Yassin Transformational Leadership Module based on the social audit performed in Pagoh Parliament, Johor. Tuan Guru Haji Mohd Yassin was a renowned scholar that has given significant contribution in the development of Islamic education in Johor and Malacca between 1950 and 1975. He has established Madrasah AsSa’adiah (Arabic Stream) and Mohd Yassin Secondary School. Tuan Guru Haji Mohd Yassin’s philosophy stressed that the distinguished leadership can be polished by achieving the rank of faith and piety to Allah (swt), in other words, muraqabah (the approach to Allah (swt)). The leadership of Tuan Guru is evident through his efforts to convey the teachings of Islam to the nation and aims to change the mindset of the Malays to be educated in combating underdevelopment. Based on open and rational thinking, Tuan Guru balanced the interests of secular and religious knowledge through a sympathizing approach in social life through the delivery of religious knowledge based on Al-Quran and Al-Hadith and the ideology of Ahl-as-Sunnah wal Jamaah. Othman (2016) found that Tuan Guru Haji Mohd Yassin’s Transformational Leadership is in the high range with mean score of 10.17. His Transformational Leadership score based on The Four I’s Model (Bass & Avolio, 1994) for idealized influence, inspirational motivation and individualized consideration element is in the high range category. As a continuity of his legacy a Transformational Leadership Module has been developed to train a group of youngsters based on Bass and Avolio Model (1994). This experimental research will measure the impact of Transformational Leadership training based on The Four I’s Model (Bass and Avolio, 1994) and the impact of follow-up programme between the groups.


3 rd INTERNATIONAL SEMINAR ON ISLAM AND SCIENCE 2020 (SAIS 2020) COVID-19: IMPLICATION, IMPACT AND SOLUTION Date: 15 October 2020 Organized by: Persatuan Kakitangan Akademik USIM (PKAUSIM) In Collaboration with: International Halal and Fatwa Centre (iFFAH) & Fakulti Syariah dan Undang-Undang (FSU)


Transformational Leadership, Social Audit, Islamic Education

