Publication: Non-muslims' Perception Of Islam And Muslims In Seremban, Negeri Sembilan Malaysia: An Empirical Study
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This paper attempts to find out the perception of non-Muslims about Islam and Muslims in
Seremban in the state of Negari Sembilan, Malaysia based on sample survey and interviews.
Such a study is warranted because of the plural nature of the society in Seremban whose
stability depends upon harmonious relations between various ethnic and religious groups.
The analysis of this research involved 100 respondent and it is composed of various educated
segments, professionals and university students from different religious background such as
Christians, Hindus and Buddhists. The study found that majority of non-Muslims hold
positive opinion about their counterpart in this area which augurs well for the stability of the
region and the country. Nevertheless, there exists a good number of people holding a
negative opinion about Islam and Muslims implying, therefore, the need for more concerted
efforts about improving the image of Islam and Muslims in Seremban and other parts of
Keywords: Perception, Religious harmony, Co-existence
Journal of Global Business and Social Entrepreneurship (GBSE)
Vol. 3: no. 5 (2017) page 134–151| | eISSN 24621714|
Perception,, Religious harmony,, Co-existence