Extensive Reading: The Effect On Kuim Students' MUET Achievements

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Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia

Research Projects

Organizational Units

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In many parts of the world, reading has always been the skill most notably given emphasis in ESL situations. The ability to read in English as the second language is important for academic advancement and for professional and selfdevelopment. It is believed that those who read extensively in English, not only will gain significantly in their reading abilities and other language skills, but also will display positive attitudes toward reading in general. Numerous experimental studies have shown strong evidence that extensive reading promotes substantial language level increase among students. The aim of this descriptive research is to investigate the effect of extensive reading on KUIM students' MUET achievements. The results highlight the existence of significant relationship between extensive reading practised by the subjects prior to entering KUIM for their degree programmes and their MUET achievements. Hence, this paper suggests two types of extensive reading programme, which can be adapted by English Language practitioners in developing good reading habits among students. Good reading habits can be cultivated. It should start right from young and should be nurtured well into adulthood. It is definitely important for students' academic advancement as well as professional and self- development.



