Komunikasi Sinkronis dalam pembelajaran Kolaboratif di kalangan pelajar tahun satu untuk kursus Hidrokarbon

Research Projects

Organizational Units

Journal Issue


The use of mobile technology such as smartphones, allows the teaching and learning process to use synchronous communication methods, integrated with face-to-face collaborative learning methods. This study aims to improve communication between students-lecturers and students-students in and outside of the classroom besides improving student-centered learning in the tutorial sessions for Hydrocarbon Chemistry courses. The three main objectives of the study are to increase student’s engagement during the tutorial sessions, helping students to improve motivation and self-confidence to answer all the tutorial questions correctly as well as improving student’s achievement. A total of two cycles of action research have been carried out involving 65 First Year students of Industrial Chemistry Technology Program (TKI), Faculty of Science and Technology, USIM.. Three instruments were used to analyze the findings of the study which are pre and post-test, structured observation and questionnaire. The results showed that, there was a slight increase in the average percentage of student achievement after intervention. The result of the observation was that the students became more confident in answering questions and the involvement of students in the classroom increased. Key Words: Synchronous communication; collaborative learning; student’s engagement; higher education; Telegram



Synchronous communication;, collaborative learning;, student’s engagement;, higher education;, Telegram


Mohd Noor, L., Mohamad Nasri, N., & Jumal, J. (2020). Synchronous communication in Collaborative learning among first year students for Hydrocarbon course. Jurnal Pendidikan Sains Dan Matematik Malaysia, 10(2), 15-28.