Publication: تحديات علماء إندونيسيا الكلاسيكيين فى مواجهة التيارات الليبرالية
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Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia
Nobody can deny a big role and substantial influence on spreading Islamic education in Indonesia played by Islamic classical scholarly. Coinciding with the spread of liberal propaganda in Muslim society, a liberal group in Indonesia “Jaringan Islam Liberal (JIL)” plans to undermine the societies and Islamic cultures within freedom propaganda and throw away the holistic values of Islam from a daily life of Muslims. Unfortunately, the roles of our Islamic classical scholarly being weakened rather than hundred years ago. They no longer can stop the spread of liberal propaganda. Therefore, this article aims to shed light on the main causes of their weakness to prevent any further spread of liberalism and purify society from its devastating effects. Furthermore, the researchers will point out a better problem solver per issue, using a literature review from a different angle of knowledge.
Challenges, Indonesian, Islamic Classical Scholarly, Liberal