The Word Of 'Basar' And Its Meronym In Quran: Comparative Study Between Quranic Dictionaries

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The knowledge on the meaning of Quranic individual words is one of the essential prerequisite in order to comprehend the verses of Quran. A specific semantic relation to linguistics namely as meronym, represents a structural sense relation between meanings that become a fundamental part of, and refers to a bundle of different part-to-whole relationships of a word. The understanding of meronym relations, are at the heart of many question-answering systems and define the root meaning of the word itself. Therefore, this study aims to discuss the meaning of the word Basar and its meronym in Quran based on a comparison between four Quran dictionaries which are Quran Corpus, Al-Mu. jam Al-Mufahras li Alfaz Al-Quran, Qaimah Mu'jamiyah bi Alfaz Al-Quran Al-Karim wa Darajat Tikrariha and Mu. jam Alfaz Al-Qur'an Al Karim. The study applied document analysis by identifying the meronym of word basar in Quran. Then the data was analysed and compared between those aformentioned dictionaries. The findings obtained shows that. Ayn is the meronym of the word Basar that means eye. The study also found that there are similarities and differences regarding the frequency of word Basar and. Ayn between these sources. A comparative study of these words in Quran would therefore be of great interest, and the further discussions are expected to explain the comparison of the word Basar and. Ayn in Quran based on other Quran linguistic sources.



Basar, Quran, Meronym, Comparative


%0 IJASOS- International E-journal of Advances in Social Sciences THE WORD OF ‘BASAR’ IN QURAN AND ITS SYNONYM: COMPARATIVE STUDY BETWEEN QURAN CORPUS AND AL-MU’JAM AL-MUFAHRAS LI ALFAZ AL-QURAN %A Mohamed Akhiruddin Ibrahim , Hishomudin Ahmad , Robiatul Adawiyah Mohd , Muhammad Widus Sempo , Nur Farhana Baharuddin %T THE WORD OF ‘BASAR’ IN QURAN AND ITS SYNONYM: COMPARATIVE STUDY BETWEEN QURAN CORPUS AND AL-MU’JAM AL-MUFAHRAS LI ALFAZ AL-QURAN %D 2018 %J IJASOS- International E-journal of Advances in Social Sciences %P 2411-183X-2411-183X %V 4 %N 10 %R doi: 10.18769/ijasos.417701 %U 10.18769/ijasos.417701