The Impact of Religiosity on Financial Debt and Debt Stress

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This study examines the impact of religiosity on financial debt. It also explores the impact of religiosity on debt stress. The study hypothesizes that people with higher religious social norms are likely to have lower financial debt and people with lower financial debts experience lower debt stress. The study used quantitative data using Muslim Religiosity Personality Inventory (MRPI), Financial Impact Scale (FIS) and the Family Economic Stress Scale (FESS). The questionnaires were taken from a sample of 180 participants, which stands from government employees. The study found a significant relationship between financial debts with the level of religiosity of the subjects. The study also found positive association between financial debts with debt stress suggesting that individuals with high financial debts experiences high level of debt stress. (C) 2014 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (


Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 140 ( 2014 ) 300 – 306


religiosity, financial debt, debt stress, Family economic stress scale and Financial Impact Scale
