Fraud Crime Via E-mail And Incriminated In Western Arab Legislation And Legislations

Research Projects

Organizational Units

Journal Issue


Because of the privacy and secrets of the e-mail service, scientific and practical benefits, and material returns from e-commerce, it is exposed to various crimes, such as hacking, infiltration, theft, forgery and fraud. The problem is that the perception of e-mail offenses varies from country to country depending on laws and regulations, their size and seriousness; However, all States are taking possible ways to curb them, yet crimes of fraud are increasing through electronic means. Therefore, this analytical study aims to discuss preventive measures against cybercrime, and to compare the criminalization of e-mail abuse in both Western and Arab legislation. Through the descriptive and analytical approach, the comparative approach has reached the results of which: Computer and Internet crimes are characterized by modernity in style, speed in execution, easy to hide, and the ability to erase their effects. This requires devices with a high degree of efficiency, knowledge and the ability to uncover their ambiguity, and identify the perpetrators quickly and accurately. Cybercrime has become a heavy burden on all criminal justice agencies, judicial officers, investigators and courts. A State cannot succeed in confronting these new types of crimes on its own without cooperation and coordination with other States.



e-mail, cybercrime, the legislation
