Mobile Application of Food Recommendation for Allergy Baby Using Rule-Based Technique

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Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.

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Food recommendation for allergy baby is a mobile application that gives benefit to parent and other caregivers who had allergic baby. Parent and other caregivers faced a problem when they tend to lack of knowledge when handling food for allergy baby. Normally, parent and other caregivers rely on the internet to search food that suits their baby condition. Another problem is parent and other caregivers lack of competence and confident in preparing meals. They afraid to try new food to be given to their baby that will harm their baby condition. The existing of the system, it will solve the problem faced by parent and caregivers. The system helps parent and caregivers by recommending the suitable food based on their baby allergic condition and obtain more ideas on healthy food to feed their allergy baby. Rule-based technique had been using to recommend and suggesting the suitable food using IF-THEN while IF is condition to be tested and THEN producing the output or results. Recommender system will help parent and caregiver reduce time for searching the suitable food for their allergic baby. In order to develop the system, Mobile Application Development Life Cycle (MADLC) model had been chosen to design and control system development process. In conclusion, the recommender system using rule-based technique is suitable method for helping parent and caregivers who had allergy baby. � 2019 IEEE.



allergy baby, food recommendation, mobile application, Allergies, Automation, Intelligent systems, Life cycle, Mobile computing, Process control, Design and control, Healthy foods, Mobile application development, Mobile applications, Reduce time, Rule-based techniques, System development process, Recommender systems

