Detection of Cholesterol Oxidation Products (COPs) in raw and chilled storage of chicken sausages formulated with chicken fat and red palm mid fraction

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Journal Issue


Abstract: The purpose of this paper is to determine the effect of different lipid sources (animal and plant) duringchilled storage on the formation of cholesterol and cholesterol oxidation products in sausages formulated withchicken fat and red palm mid fraction. The commercial sample, as represented by the chicken sausage and themechanical deboned meat sausage was analyzed as a comparison. The sausages were produced in a plant scalefor two batches, vacuum packed and stored at -4°C or chilled condition. At time intervals of week 0, 1, 2 and3, the sausages were analyzed using gas chromatography with flame ionization detector for determiningcholesterol and cholesterol oxidations products, which were 25-hyroxycholesterol,-epoxycholesterol,-epoxycholesterol and 7-ketocholesterol. This study showed the variable amount of compounds analyzedthroughout the period of analysis, 25-hydroxycholesterol detected in PMF at week 3 (0.77 ppm). Thesignificantly high amount of cholesterol was detected in MDM (239.99 ppm) at week 3. The different type ofsausages formulated with chicken fat and palm mid fraction which were animal and plant fats, respectively didnot show any significant changes towards the formation of cholesterol and COPs throughout the storageperiod in chilled condition. It is recommended for future works to prolong the period of storage to obtainconcrete result at the end of analysis, analyze the compounds using gas chromatography with massspectrometry to improve the detection limit and to expand the reference standard of cholesterol oxidationproducts to be used as the compounds may varies. Key words: Cholesterol Cholesterol oxidized products Sausages


World Applied Sciences Journal 17 (Towards the Traceability of Halal and Thoyyiban Application): 51-56, 2012ISSN 1818-4952


Cholesterol, Cholesterol oxidized products, Sausages

