A Study Of Comparison Analysis Tools For Children’s Food Nutrition Recommendation Among Parent Using Mobile Application

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University Malaysia of Computer Science & Engineering (UNIMY)

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A supplying children nutrition allowed children have good development and health for supporting development in future. However, to ensure that the children have sufficient nutrition, parents are the most concerned about preparing the food whether in security and insecurity of the food. Therefore, preparation of food recommendation is an essential process to prepare food with nutrition for children. As result, this report addresses a research gap in previous work on food nutrition for the market, commercial, and research objectives. Then, investigation of various research focusing on evaluation and analysis are conducted. To obtain the limitations of the tool study, the strengths and weaknesses of its features and functionality are counted. Finally, these tools still need to be improved, particularly for children food nutrition development and recommendation.


Volume: 1 No: 2 (page: 35–41)


Food recommendation, active preparation, mobile application, food preparation


Yusop, N., & Shapiee, N. (2022). A Study of Comparison Analysis Tools for Children’s Food Nutrition Recommendation among Parent using Mobile Application. Journal of Innovation and Emerging Digital Technologies (JIEDT), 1(2), 35–41. Retrieved from