Sayyid Qutb's Interpretations: A Focus on Political Concepts

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Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia

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Sayyid Qutb's thinking influenced many Islamic scholars. His book, Fi Zilal al-Qur'an,is the greatest work and influential among the world's Muslim community. This study aims to identify Sayyid Qutb's interpretation, especially political verses in Fi Zilal al-Qur'an, and describe the meaning of politics from his perspective. Establishing an Islamic state is crucial for the implementation of sharia, as political power is necessary for its implementation. Furthermore, it is crucial to understand the correct methods of interpreting Qur'anic verses from modern exegetes. We employ a qualitative approach in our writing, concentrating on library research and gathering information from diverse sources of literature. The approach used is multidisciplinary, encompassing interpretive, historical, and sociological perspectives. The study utilizes primary data, specifically the book Fi Zilal al-Qur'an, as well as secondary data, which includes materials related to Fi Zilal al-Qur'anand sources that can support this writing. The research reveals that Sayyid Qutb employed the tahlilimethod to interpret the Islamic political verses. Subsequently, Sayyid Qutb's interpretation of politics posits that the government bears the political responsibility of managing and overseeing the affairs of Muslims. Next, the first principle of reign Islam emphasizes who is worthy to be called ulul amri, followed by upholding Allah’s law and, finally, being fair to all human groups.


Maʿālim Al-Qurʾān Wa Al-Sunnah, Volume 20 Issue 1 Page (45-64)


Sayyid Qutb, Interpretation, Political, Concepts


Muhammad Yusry Affandy bin Md Isa, & Muhammad Syahmi bin Shakhruddin. (2024). Sayyid Qutb’s Interpretations: A Focus on Political Concepts. Maʿālim Al-Qurʾān Wa Al-Sunnah, 20(1), 45-64.