Publication: Expectation And Effectiveness Of The Halal Slaughtering Training Towards Employability Among Blue Collar Workers
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IDOSI Publications
Abstract: Opportunities for Halal careers offer brighter prospect for blue collar workers, to become competentslaughterers towards fulfilling the mandatory Halal specifications. In Sarawak, Malaysia, competent meatslaughterers is seen as crucial to cater industrial demands for Halal meat. To what extent does the training fulfillthe needs of the blue collar workers? What is their perception towards the Halal slaughter training? This paperaims at understanding the expectations of trainees towards the training; the effectiveness of module contentand duration that took place in the training. This study employs both qualitative and quantitative approaches.Interviews are conducted to identify the expectation of trainees towards the training, Surveys conducted tomeasures the effectiveness level of content and duration of the programme among the 27 trainees. 95.5% ofthem agreed that the content of the module was effective and much needed in the context of meeting theindustrial Halal needs. The duration of the programme was perceived as moderate (50%) while another 50% isat satisfactory level. The findings shows that Halal slaughter training is required to overcome issues of workersshortage Halal meat products. As education level influences the understanding level, the duration of thetraining is profoundly significant to ensure effectiveness among the blue collar workers. In conclusion, thismodule is effective towards bridging the theoretical and hands on skills of Halal Slaughterers for Malaysia HalalMeat Industry.
Key words: Halal Policy Certification Employability Blue Collar
Middle-East Journal of Scientific Research 13
(Approaches of Halal and Thoyyib for Society, Wellness and Health):
11-16, 2013
Halal, Policy, Certification, Employability, Blue Collar