Interaction between Two Inclined Cracks in Bonded Dissimilar Materials subjected to Various Stresses
Frontiers in Psychology
Date Issued
Hamzah K.B.
Nik Long N.M.A.
Senu N.
Eshkuvatov Z.K.
This paper deals with the interaction between two inclined cracks in the upper part of bonded dissimilar materials subjected to various stresses which is normal stress (Mode I), shear stress (Mode II), tearing stress (Mode III) and mixed stress. This problem is formulated into hypersingular integral equations (HSIE) by using modified complex potentials (MCP) with the help of continuity conditions of the resultant force and displacement functions where the unknown is the crack opening displacement (COD) function and the tractions along the crack as the right hand terms. Then, the curve length coordinate method and appropriate quadrature formulas are used to solve numerically the obtained HSIE to compute the stress intensity factors (SIF) in order to determine the stability behavior of materials containing cracks. Numerical results showed the behavior of the nondimensionalSIF at the cracks tips. It is observed that the various stresses and the elastic constants ratio are influences to the value of nondimensional SIF at the crack tips. � Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd.