Keputusan Mahkamah Sivil Malaysia Terhadap Penggunaan Kalimah Allah dalam Kalangan Penganut Agama Kristian di Malaysia: Kajian Menurut Perspektif Maqaṣid Shari'ah
Date Issued
Nur Wahida Binti Lokman
Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia
The 2021 High Court decision in Kuala Lumpur, allowing the use of the term "Allah" by Christian adherents in Malaysia, faced strong opposition from the Islamic community and certain Islamic institutions in the country. Despite various studies conducted by external researchers on this issue, their findings have not been sufficient to resolve the matter harmoniously. This issue needs to be reexamined based on the principles of maqāṣid sharīʿah to enhance the research and assist the government in addressing the use of the term "Allah" among the populace. Therefore, this study aims to identify the origins of the Christian use of the term "Allah," analyze the rationale behind the judgments in cases involving the use of "Allah" in Malaysia, and ultimately explain the Christian use of the term "Allah" in Malaysia from maqāṣid sharīʿah perspective. This qualitative study employs document analysis, case studies, and interviews in the data collection process, analyzed through a descriptive approach. The study found that Christian believers use the term "Allah" based on four concepts and translate the word God to "Allah" in the Mālay-language Bible. The judgments in the 2014 and 2021 cases were based on the narrative from the Ministry of Home Affairs dated 5 December 1986, and certain provisions in the Federal Constitution. The use of the term "Allah" by Christian adherents in Malaysia is deemed inappropriate according to maqāṣid sharīʿah to safeguard religion (ḥifẓ dīn), intellect (ḥifẓ ʿaqal), and self-preservation (ḥifẓ nafs). It is hoped that this study can serve as a reference for future researchers in providing a harmonious resolution to ensure peace among Malaysia's diverse communities and religions.

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