Publication: Sadd Al-Dhara’i‘ Argument And Its Role In The Prohibition Of Riba Transaction On Al-Buyu‘
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Akademi Fiqh Islami Malaysia (AFHAM)
This study discusses the argument of sadd al-dhara’i‘ in the ijtihad of the fuqaha, its legitimacy as a source of ijtihad and its effect on Shariah jurisprudence of prohibition of riba al-buyu‘. The objective of this study is to invite Muslims to understand the approach of ijtihad through sadd al-dhara’i‘ and so that the comprehensiveness of Islamic fiqh law is not seen as something narrow. The method of this study refers to library research which is the main information in addition to evaluating the application of sadd al-dhara’i‘ submission in the prohibition of riba al-buyu‘. By analyzing the position of sadd al-dhara’i‘ through the discussion of the mujtahids who accept and those who reject it, this study finds that it strongly supports the Islamic texts whether general or specific in the prohibition of riba al-buyu‘ suitable to be used as a basis and source in determining a law especially the current law of muamalat maliyyah, in an effort to prevent the occurrence of riba, gharar, oppression and other elements of mafsadah while performing the muamalat activity.
Sadd Al-Dhara’i‘, Al-Buyu‘, Ijtihad, Riba, Muamalat