Gelagat Perbelanjaan Dalam Kalangan Pelajar Pra-siswazah Di Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia (USIM) Berdasarkan Had Kifayah Pada Era Pandemik Covid-19

Research Projects

Organizational Units

Journal Issue


Had kifayah refers to a minimum basic necessity rate set based on the current cost of living. This limit is also used to determine the rate that needs to be assisted to meet the adequacy of basic expenses. The assessment made in determining the Had Kifayah covers six aspects of basic necessities of life, namely covering (shelter), food, clothing, medicine, education and transportation. A detailed study on Had Kifayah among USIM students has consistently been conducted and it is a requirement that needs to be met to set a reasonable rate in providing zakat assistance especially for asnaf students. The objective of this writing is to study student spending behavior during the Covid-19 pandemic and whether it is sufficient for students to survive on campus. The research method used are the qualitative and quantitative which apart from referring to existing writing and references, a survey was conducted to obtain the latest data from asnaf students through previous databases. The survey has been conducted via online instead o one to one interview due to COVID 19 pandemic. Through a survey that covers aspects of student spending and income, the average of spending method has been used as per agreed with all team members to determine the Had Kifayah, in line with the method used by the state Islamic religious council as a reference. With the improvements made in the agreed calculation system, a more accurate calculation method has been developed and at the same time can help the process of proper distribution of zakat.



Zakat, Had, Kifayah, Asnaf, Economics
