Publication: Malay traditional games are never a loss: An emotional reflection of malaysians and immigrants in malaysia
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Editura Universitatii din Oradea
Introduction-Aims: In the modern days, traditional games have been perceived less preferred than universal games. This study examines the emotional reflection of Malaysians and Immigrants in Malaysia towards Malay traditional games and universal games. Malays (ethnic majority), Malaysian minorities (Chinese and Indian) and immigrants responded to the displayed images of Malay traditional games and universal games using a 9-point rating scale for valence domain of Self-Assessment Manikin. The emotional pleasantness towards Malay traditional games are higher in immigrants than Malaysians. There are emotional similarities between Malays and Malaysian minorities. Socio-cultural factors should be examined in future research to further understand this cultural situation. � 2020 Editura Universitatii din Oradea. All rights reserved.
GeoJournal of Tourism and Geosites 2020 Vol.31 No.3 pp.1004-1009
Cultural heritage, Emotion, Ethnic minority, Immigrant, Valence