An Overview Malaysia As A Hub Of Planting Prophetic Fruits

Research Projects

Organizational Units

Journal Issue


Only a small number of farmers involve in planting prophetic fruits such as dates palm, figs, pumpkin and watermelon in Malaysia. If look at Malaysia, Muslim is the majority population and practices Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) is a sunnah in order to gain benefit at the end of the day as a Muslim. There is a potential for Malaysian to plant and produce these prophetic fruits due to it availability in small scale. The main purpose of this study is to provide an overview of Malaysia as a hub of planting the prophetic fruits as well as known as sunnah consumption. Methodology is based on review of previous literatures and interview conducted. As recommendation and findings, there is huge potential for planting these prophetic fruits as shown in findings dates palm, figs, pumpkin and watermelon. Economic and religious information will lead to the success of planting these types of fruits. The involvement of government agencies and private sectors is essential in the promotion of planting prophetic fruits to farmers. This study contributes to the literature of planting several prophetic fruits which is available to cultivate, plant and harvest in Malaysia.



Planting prophetic fruits,, Dates palm,, Figs,, Pumpkin,, Watermelon,, Review
