Financial Performance and Sustainability in Malaysian Waqf Private Entity and Corporations

Research Projects

Organizational Units

Journal Issue


This paper aims to examine the financial performance and sustainability in Malaysian waqf private entity and corporations. Examining its performance and sustainability may be useful for determining perpetual life of waqf. Besides that, a waqf private entity and corporations frequently compare actual performance with standards or expectations to enhance the organizations achievements. Thus, by using ratio analysis, this study examines five years (2014-2018) annual reports of waqf private entity administered by Pusat Wakaf Majlis Agama Islam Wilayah Persekutuan Sdn. Bhd (PWMSB) and two waqf corporations Pusat Wakaf Selangor (PWS) and Wakaf An-Nur Corporation (WANCorp). The outcomes show that only one waqf corporation was economically feasible and perform acording to seven item. The discoveries give helpful experiences into the economically feasible and performance of waqf private entity and corporations feature the requirement for policy makers all over the Muslim countries generally and specifically for Malaysia to focus on the all encompassing responsibility of waqf foundations to guarantee waqf's efficient recovery. It is trusted that the outcomes and the suggestions of the examination would empower the money related announcing and responsibility of such foundations at a more significant level. 2020, Science and Engineering Research Support Society. All rights reserved. Keywords: Financial; Performance; Sustainability; Waqf; Private Entity; Corporations.



Financial;, Performance;, Sustainability;, Waqf;, Private Entity;, Corporations


Mustafa Mohd Hanefah , Muhammad Iqmal Hisham Kamaruddin , Rosnia Masruki , Fuadah Johari , Aimi Fadzirul Kamarubahrin. (2020). Financial Performance and Sustainability in Malaysian Waqf Private Entity and Corporations. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(10s), 951 - 961. Retrieved from
