تقييم العلاقة بين المدرسة والجمتمع الحملي وأثرها في خدمة التحصيل الدراسي: دراسة من وجهة نظر مدراء المدارس وأولياء أمور الطلاب بمدارس محافظة شمال الباطنة في سلطنة عمان

Research Projects

Organizational Units

Journal Issue


This quantitative study discusses the roles of the relationship between the schools and the local community from the school leaders’ and the parents’ point of view in Batinah North schools in the Sultanate of Oman. This study is important because it focuses on the relation between the community and the school and its role to improve the students’ learning and effective communication between them which might help to raise the student achievement. Also, it explores the impact of relationship between the school and the parents on students’ achievement. In addition, it analyzes the significant differences in the level of the relationship between the school leaders and the parents from both the school leaders and the parents’ points of view, attributed to their gender and their qualifications. The study used the descriptive quantitative approach. It developed a questionnaire to collect the study data. The sample of the study consisted of (123) school leaders from Batinah North governorate in the Sultanate of Oman. Also, the study consists of (₃₀₀) parents of grade ten students from Batinah North governorate in the Sultanate of Oman. The study is going to use the means, standard deviation, percentage, Pearson correlation, independent (T) test and one-way )Anova( test to analyse the study data. Accordingly, some recommendations and suggestions for developing the relation between the school and the community will be given at the end of the study.


Volume :7 (WCIK117)


school, community, school administrations, parents
