Complications of Adjudicating Administrative Disputes Under the Unified Judicial System in the United Arab Emirates

Research Projects

Organizational Units

Journal Issue


The study objective was; to discuss the problems of considering and adjudicating administrative disputes under the unified control system. To find out the obstacles to implementing administrative implementation. The group includes the descriptive, analytical and comparative approaches, and the topic is discussed in two sections. The study findings revealed that: There are many issues that are classified according to local and federal jurisdiction. Assigning a unified administrative system to adjudicate administrative disputes may result in a difference in many administrative complexities that outweigh all judicial and administrative trials. Simple conclusions were reached in the trial between the trial and the local governor; there are many solutions, as well as many challenges to implementing administrative solutions. Study recommended; Developing his own little law. Establishing a State Council that will have an inherent and comprehensive element in all administrative disputes. For those who take the retroactive effect of the administrative decision. We will have its own systems for managing administrative affairs; It stipulates many means of coercion


IJASOS- International E-journal of Advances in Social Sciences Volume: 9 Issue: 27


administrative disputes, dismissal problems, implementation obstacles.


Alsaedi̇A. S., Abdullah, M. N. B., & Hali̇mM. A. A. (2023). Complications of Adjudicating Administrative Disputes Under the Unified Judicial System in the United Arab Emirates. IJASOS- International E-Journal of Advances in Social Sciences, 9(27), 450–469.