Multimedia Representation Learning Model for Quran Memorization Techniques Based on Vark Learning Style

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Innovative learning models that apply multimedia technology have the potential to increase motivation in memorization through an interactive learning environment. A model that considers factors in the selection of Al-Quran memorization techniques based on the VARK learning style using various memory senses has the potential to facilitate learning, meet user satisfaction and increase motivation. However, the existing models of Al-Quran memorization techniques are still limited and are not available using Al-Qur'an memorization techniques that support the differences in individual VARK learning style tendencies through the selection of graphic, sound, text, and video elements. It lacks appeal in motivating students to memorize the Al-Quran because it does not support the strength and tendency of memory based on the VARK learning style. The VARK learning style or modality bias model focuses on the individual's memory mode or sense of receiving and processing information. It is a perceptual model of choice and instruction that categorizes learning according to memory-sensory biases. The VARK learning style model has determined that each person has dominant memory strengths and tendencies. This study aims to design a multimedia representation learning model for Al-Quran memorization techniques based on the VARK learning style. The objective of this study is to identify the elements of the multimedia representation learning model for Al-Quran memorization techniques based on the VARK learning style, design and develop a multimedia representation learning model to increase motivation in memorizing the Quran and evaluate the usability and motivation of users of the multimedia representation learning model (EzHifz) based on the VARK learning style to memorize the Quran. The research methodology is based on the instructional design model, universal design, and cognitive multimedia learning design that includes the analysis phase, design, development, and implementation phase as well as the evaluation phase. EzHifz model evaluation tests using prototypes are conducted through surveys and individual observations one by one of the students aged between 10-15 years. This study was conducted with twenty (20) students at Tahfiz Integration School in Sepang Selangor. Data collection is through a quasi-experiment using questionnaire instruments, observation task lists, and observation checklists. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics. The results show that the EzHifz model facilitates learning, meets user satisfaction, and increases motivation. This research contributes to (i) a multimedia representation learning model (EzHifz) based on the VARK learning style; (ii) the EzHifz model design; (iii) the EzHifz model evaluation methodology


Matric: 4171538 (FST)


Qurʼan -- Readings -- Study and teaching, Qur'an -- Memorizing -- Study and teaching, Multimedia technology, Multimedia learning application, VARK Learning style, EzHifz model design


Nor Musliza Mustafa. (2022). Multimedia Representation Learning Model for Quran Memorization Techniques Based on Vark Learning Style [Doctoral dissertation, Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia]. USIM Research Repository.