Medical Marijuana From Medicine, Legal And Islamic Law Perspective: A Review

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Possessing, processing and distributing marijuana or cannabis is illegal in many countries, especially Malaysia. Individuals guilty of that act may face imprisonment and even a death sentence even though cannabis oil and its derivative in the medical field have become more prevalent and have been legalised in many countries and recently in Thailand, a Malaysian neighbour. The Malaysian government is also evaluating and detailing the users and will have its final stand by 2022. Various studies proved marijuana to be beneficial for specific medical conditions. Thus, this paper aims to explore the current evidence of the use of medical marijuana from medical, legal and Islamic law views. The literature search was conducted online using various platforms such as google scholar, Pubmed, ScienceDirect, Medline EBSCO host and DOAJ. The search term includes "medical marijuana", "cannabis oils", "cannabis law", "Medical Marijuana Law", "cannabis"," marijuana legal", and "Islamic perspective". The content further discusses the medical perspective of marijuana, including its pharmacology, potential benefits and risks. In addition, the legal and Islamic views on medical marijuana, especially regarding the medical marijuana laws and Islamic rulings on marijuana use, will also be discussed.


VOL. 34 NO. 3 (2022)


medical marijuana, legal, medicine, Islamic perspective, shariah


Nordin, S. F., Omar, M. R., Fatimah Zanirah Nordin, & Hamdan, M. N. (2022). Medical Marijuana From Medicine, Legal And Islamic Law Perspective: A Review. Ulum Islamiyyah, 34(3), 1-13. Retrieved from