Integration Of Naqli And Aqli Knowledge In Education Curriculum : Experience Of Faculty Of Quranic And Sunah Studies, Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia

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Naqli knowledge is a knowledge that is sourced on the Quran and Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad while Aqli knowledge is sourced from the rationale and findings of human thoughts in relationship with the progress of human civilization. Both types of knowledge have long developed in accordance with the current progress of the pioneers and their studies in the field. Therefore, Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia (USIM) as one of Malaysian Government universities has determined to be a university that is ahead in both disciplines through its theme in pioneering Islamic science and spearheading knowledge. Hence, the integration of Naqli and Aqli knowledge in the education curriculum for courses in the university has been practiced. This approach for both disciplines involves the entire faculty and academic centers in the university. For the Faculty of Quranic & Sunnah Studies, the department has made great strides through USIM's mission that is determined to be an advanced institution that is based on science and Islamic studies at the forefront of new knowledge through the use of the latest technology. This is to generate innovations that can transform the country, nation and mankind. Briefing sessions for integrating the two disciplines have been conducted to provide a better understanding to the academics in the Faculty. From the activities carried out, participants have more meaningful understanding in creating a curriculum that includes the integration of Naqli and Aqli. Similarly, workshops were also conducted either at the University or Faculty level for each course offered. From the workshop conducted, participants had made improvement to the curriculum of the courses offered to students. In addition, the seminar which was created through the presentation of papers by presenters either from within or outside the faculty have also been able to improve the quality of the education curriculum that integrates Naqli and Aqli in USIM. The study has found that the curriculum at the Faculty of Quranic & Sunnah Studies, USIM has successfully integrated both disciplines discussed, but in order to produce a more robust impact, then projected follow-up measures need to be strengthened.


IJAEDU- International E-Journal of Advances in Education, Vol. III, Issue 9, December 2017


Naqli, Aqli, knowledge, integration, education curriculum
