Islamic Branding A Study on Online Advertising and its Impact on Muslim Women Entrepreneurs in Malaysia

Research Projects

Organizational Units

Journal Issue


The article looks at the growing presence of women entrepreneurs in the Malaysian business community who are capitalising on the wide range of digital business opportunities available to them. Online advertising provides a better marketing strategy for a wide range of products that can be sourced both locally and internationally and do not require large capital, physical storefronts, and warehousing to sell. However, this article focuses on Islamic branding products that can be better advertised in Malaysia where the majority of buyers are Muslim women. Islamic branding refers to the use of symbols and values of Islam in marketing, both in traditional and new media. The article aims to show how women can establish themselves as successful entrepreneurs by advertising Islamic branding products online and exclusively on social media. Using qualitative methods, specifically semistructured interviews and thematic analyses, this study explores the experiences and perceptions of young Muslim women entrepreneurs to social media advertising. Purposive sampling is used to capture different perspectives that enrich the depth of insights gained from the data. The findings shed light on the multi-layered dynamics of social media advertising for these entrepreneurs, showing both the support it provides and the barriers they face. This research contributes to a deeper understanding of the intersection of social media, entrepreneurship, and cultural identity and has implications for theory, practise, and future research endeavours in this area.


E-Proceeding of 4th International Conference on Islam, Media and Communication (ICIMac 2024): “Communication & Digitisation in Madani Society”/ Muhammad Raqib Mohd Sofian, , Siti Suriani Othman, Safiyyah Sabri, Osama Kanaker & Ihab Ahmed Ra’uf Awais. 5th March 2024 Organized by : Faculty of Leadership & Management


Islamic branding, social media, online advertising, women entrepreneur, UTAUT.


Muhammad Raqib Mohd Sofian, Siti Suriani Othman, Safiyyah Sabri, Osama Kanaker, & Ihab Ahmed Ra’uf Awais (Eds.). (2024). In 4th International Conference on Islam, Media and Communication (ICIMac 2024) (pp. 1–501).