العلاقة بين التنمر والجوانب النفسية والاجتماعية لطلاب الددارس في دولة الإمارات العربية الدتحدة

Research Projects

Organizational Units

Journal Issue


The study aimed to: Try to monitor, characterize and analyze the nature of "the relationship between bullying, and the psychological and social aspects of school students in the United Arab Emirates". The researcher relied in her study on the descriptive analytical approach, and the quantitative approach. The study community was represented in those enrolled in the preparatory and secondary stages to study the relationship between bullying and the psychological and social aspects of school students in the United Arab Emirates. Moreover, the study sample was represented in 500 individual students in Kalba schools through the main lists of students in the schools to which the study is applied. As these schools are represented in (Al-Hijra School for Basic Education C2 in Kalba - Al-Shifa Bint School for Secondary Education in Kalba, Al-Qudwa School for Basic Education C2 in Kalba, Al-Mahmoud School for Secondary Education in Kalba). Furthermore, the study reached a number of results, the most important of which is that the percentage of respondents' focus in the study community on the dimensions that were used to measure and evaluate the impact of bullying on the psychological and social aspects of students in schools was good, where this aspect received great attention from the respondents, because it directly affects them at the physical and moral levels, whether in the current situation or in the future. In addition to the diversity of the dimensions of school bullying that affect the psychological and social aspects of students in schools to include (physical bullying, social bullying, symbolic bullying, verbal bullying). So, it was necessary to study this effect, as the most prominent manifestations of physical bullying in schools is beating with hands and feet among students, while social bullying appears clearly in the study sample through some students igniting strife among students by encouraging them to quarrels.


Matric: 3211112 (ISI)


Bullying, United Arab Emirates, Students, Psychological, Self-esteem, School discipline, School violence—Prevention, Bullying in schools—Prevention


Muna Ali Mohamed Alloghani (2024). Al-‘alaqah bayna al-tanmir wa al-jaqanib al-nafsiyah wa al-ijtima’iyyah li-tullab al-dadaris fi Dawlat al-imarat al-arabiyah al-mutahadah [Master’s thesis, Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia] USIM Research Repository.
