Healthy Ageing In Women: Anti-ageing Properties Of Common Herbs From Modern And Islamic Perspective

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Healthy ageing is defined as the process of developing and maintaining the functional ability that enables wellbeing in older age individual. Through ageing, older people are exposed to the higher risks of having health illnesses. Skin health is important as it is the largest and most visible organ of the body and greatly influenced by environmental factors, hence considered as the indicator of ageing. Its appearance influences the individual mental status, social interaction, overall quality of life and especially women self-esteem which contributed to overall well-being. Living in the equator, Malaysians are exposed to a very high index of ultraviolet rays which can predispose to photo aging. However, the Asia region is blessed with varieties of herbal plants that contribute to the health and medicine of mankind for centuries. Its potential in treating different diseases, make scientists developed an interest in exploring the science and evidence behind it. Particularly in treating skin diseases, some of the herbs capability to adorn and improve skin appearance are well-established. Herbs have high potentiality due to primarily its' antioxidants activity. Antioxidants such as vitamins, flavonoid, phenolic acid and other active compounds play the main role in fighting against free radical species caused by the environmental insult. In this concept paper, we look for the works of literature of common herbs that can be found in Asia region to elaborate the properties of the herbs as anti-ageing such as photo protection, moisturizing, antioxidant which offer its benefits to the human against numerous negative effects of skin changes.




Healthy ageing; Skin ageing; Antioxidants; Herbs; Centella Asiatica; Curcuma longa
