حسبي الصدّيقي وحامكا ونقدهما الأفكار الليبرالية في تفسيري النور والأزهر وتأثيرهما في المجتمع الإندونيسيي

Research Projects

Organizational Units

Journal Issue


Hasbi Ash-Shiddiqie and Hamka, two scholars of the era marked by Indonesian colonialism, authored highly acclaimed tasfir works that actively countered prevailing ideologies, particularly Western liberal thought. This concept inspired the title: "Hasbi Ash-Shiddiqie and Hamka and Their Critique of Liberal Thought in Tafsir An-Nur and Al-Azhar and its Impact on Indonesian Society." The study grapples with the challenge of delineating the methodology inherent in Western liberal thought and defining an optimal approach for its critique. The researcher adopts a comprehensive strategy, employing historical, analytical, and deductive methods grounded in Islamic literature. Critical examination extends to reputable works rooted in liberal ideologies, with a primary focus on Tafsir An-Nur by Professor Hasbi Ash-Shiddiqie and Tafsir Al-Azhar by Professor Hamka. These texts serve as primary references, facilitating the analysis of pivotal liberal concepts. The researcher elucidates the interpretations and stances of both scholars concerning liberal thought, thus presenting a significant contribution to the discourse on how to denounce or engage with liberal ideologies. The study's conclusion asserts the prominence of Professors Hasbi Ash-Shiddiqie and Hamka as key critics of liberal thought in Indonesia. While Professor Hasbi Ash-Shiddiqie exhibits a somewhat lesser degree of criticism towards liberal ideas in his writings compared to Professor Hamka, the research underscores their collective importance in challenging liberal thinking. Drawing on these observations, the researcher contends that liberalism conflicts with the tenets of Islam and the Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad SAW. Consequently, the study recommends discarding Western-oriented, heretical ideologies propagated by Orientalists, which advocate for self-rule and detachment from religious legislation.


Matric: 4150240 (FPQS)


Religious, Hamka, Tafsir al-Azhar, Indonesian, Tafsir An-Nur, Islam, Sunnah, Orientalists, Religious legislation, Hasbi Ash-Shiddiqie, Liberal (Religion), Liberalism—Indonesia, Liberalism
