On the symbolic manipulation for the cardinality of certain degree polynomials
AIP Conference Proceedings
Date Issued
Abdullah I.
Seman K.
Taib B.M.
Puspita F.M.
The research on cardinality of polynomials was started by Mohd Atan [1] when he considered a set, V(f-;p?)={umodp?:f-(u)?0modp?}, where ? > 0 and f-=(f1,f2,?fn). The term f-(u)?0-modp? means that we are considering all congruence equations of modulo p? and we are looking for u that makes the congruence equation equals zero. This is called the zeros of polynomials. The total numbers of such zeros is termed as N(f-;p?). The above p is a prime number and Zp is the ring of p-adic integers, and x-=(x1,x2, ?xn). He later let N(f-;p?)=card V(f-;p?). The notation N(f-;p?) means the number of zeros for that the polynomials f-. For a polynomial f (x) defined over the ring of integers Z, Sandor [2] showed that N(f;p?)? mp12ordpD, where D ? 0, ? > ordpD and D is the discriminant of f. In this paper we will try to introduce the concept of symbolic manipulation to ease the process of transformation from two-variables polynomials to one-variable polynomials. � 2016 Author(s).