Sex Education: An Overview From Quranic Approach

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Journal Issue


In Islam, sex education is the process to educate and disseminating knowledge about aspects related to sexual matters between men and women which needed to be fundamentalized on the concepts of faith and belief to Allah the Almighty who created human and is ever-knowing about the human Himself. In fact, sex education is not a taboo issue in Islam. In addition, sex education is to nurture the appropriate lust and desire which adhere to the teachings of Islam so that it becomes the blessed lust and desire, which give peace and pleasure in life and thus hindering human from adultery which is truly hated by Allah the Almighty. The Quran teaches about human sexuality which has further been explained in Sunnah. This paper discusses the Quranic verses related to human sexuality. Hence, this paper also discusses various topics related to sex education, family values, marriage life, women status and various causes of and prevention related to sexual health problem.



Sex Education, Human Sexuality, Quranic Approach


Ihwani, S. S., Muhtar, A., Jaafar, N., Muhammad, N. A. F., & Rashed, Z. N. (2017). Sex Education: An Overview from Quranic Approach. Journal of Quran Sunnah Education & Special Needs, 1(2).