المصطحات المالية المتعلقة بالأسهم وبيان جذرها الفقهي

Research Projects

Organizational Units

Journal Issue


The study aims to clarify the financial terminology related to stocks and their jurisprudential root in reforming financial operations based on corporate stocks. And that is through a brief description of cash stocks and in-kind shares of companies. And the scholars' position on them, along with a brief explanation of the shares and the mechanism of subscribing to them, then it mentioned the most important problems and prohibitions of Shari'a for which some or all of them were prohibited by ancient jurists, juristic councils, some Sharia bodies, and the majority of contemporary scholars, in cash and in-kind shares of companies, in which interest is made through the exchange of these shares The unequal value of the subscribers upon liquidation, despite being equal in the value of the subscription and others; Which leads to forbidden, enmity and hatred ...


E-PROCEEDING 3rd INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF THE POSTGRADUATE STUDENTS AND ACADEMICS IN SYARIAH AND LAW 2020 (3rd INPAC 2020) "Syariah and Law Approach in Solving Contemporary Issues" Organized by: Faculty of Syariah and Law Date: 18 November 2020


stocks, related financial, their jurisprudential root.

