Determination of Phenolic Compounds from Tabebuia Rosea (USIM Sakura) Trees Extracted Oil Using Fourier-Transform Infrared Spectroscopy

Research Projects

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Journal Issue


Tabebuia rosea, locally known as ‘tecoma’ or ‘Malaysian Sakura’ is a popular planted trees along roadsides with beautiful pink and white flowers. In this study, the functional groups such as phenolic compounds containing in the extracted oil from T. rosea flowers were investigated. The fall flowers of Tabebuia rosea were collected, dried and grounded. The powdered samples were subjected to solidliquid extraction process using ethyl acetate as a solvent (100 g/L) for 48 hours to extract the oil. Fourier- Transfrom Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR) were furthered carried out and the sample were found to have phenolic and flavonoid compounds.


2nd Insan Junior Researchers International Conference 2021 (iJURECON 2021) “STREAM for a Better Life” 15-17th October 2021 Organized By :Kolej GENIUS Insan of Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia


Tabebuia rosea, phenolic, tecoma, oil extraction, solid-liquid extraction

