Expansion Of Asnaf Gharimin’s Interpretation In A Pandemic Context In Malaysia

Research Projects

Organizational Units

Journal Issue


The Covid-19 pandemic that has lasted for over a year has dealt a huge blow to the socioeconomic position and Malaysians well being. Various initiatives have been issued by the government to help the less fortunate including the implementation of a moratorium. Zakat institutions are also indirectly involved in helping people who are in debt in the context of asnaf gharimin. However, when there is a pandemic, the criteria for gharimin scheme recipients need to be re-examined in determining the eligible groups. Therefore, this study was conducted to analyze the interpretation of asnaf gharimin according to the scholars of 4 Madhab, contemporary interpretation and the expansion of its interpretation in the context of the pandemic. This study uses documentation, observation and analysis methods to achieve the objectives of the study. The results show that the interpretation of asnaf gharimin in the pandemic context can be expanded to traders whose sources of income are affected to the point of not being able to repay debts and those who need to settle debts immediately. It is hoped that this study can be a guide and reference for zakat institutions or certain organizations in managing zakat-related affairs for asnaf gharimin during the pandemic.


Volume: 27 No: 2 (page: 153–163)


Expansion, Asnaf, Gharimin, Zakat, Pandemic


Ab Rahman, A. ., Lokman, N. W. ., Abd Aziz, M. Y. ., Ab Rahman, M. F. ., & Abdullah Thaidi, H. ‘Azeemi . (2022). Expansion Of Asnaf Gharimin’s Interpretation In A Pandemic Context: Perluasan Tafsiran Asnaf Gharimin Dalam Konteks Pandemik Di Malaysia. Al-Qanatir: International Journal of Islamic Studies, 27(2), 153–163. Retrieved from