Detection of Blood Transglutaminase Enzyme in Fish Surimi Based Product by Using Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) Method
Middle-East Journal of Scientific Research
Date Issued
A.R. Alina
Nurul A.S. Aqilah
M.H.M. Yusop
K.M.W. Syamsul
N.R.S.A. Syarifah
A.Siti Mashitoh,
A.S. Nadia Syuhada,
H.S. Ummi Syuhada,
A.Nurul Farah Sakinah,
A.H. Nurul Mawaddah,
M.A. Kal-Kausar
Abstract: Blood plasma contain transglutaminase (TGase) enzyme - catalyst the reaction of cross-linkingbetween proteins which has a significant impact on properties of protein gel capacity, thermal stability, waterholding capacity thereby protein characteristics elasticity, mouth feel, flavour, texture, binding force. Theobjectives of this study are to design and analyze the specificity of oligonucleotide primers of blood plasmatransglutaminase from chicken, bovine and procine blood and to detect the presence of blood plasmatransglutaminase in eight samples of fish surimi based products using PCR method. In this study, PolymeraseChain Reaction (PCR) method has been used in detecting the existence of blood transglutaminase enzyme DNAin surimi based products. Specific primers for chicken (Gallus gallus), cow (Bos taurus) and pig (Sus scrofa)blood transglutaminase enzyme were designed for positive detection. Two of the six primers designed for thechicken blood tranglutaminase, G3 and G5 have shown 99 % significant identity to the sequence of G. gallussimilar to XP-C repair complementing (transglutaminase) and the latter to the hypothetical LOC428804(transglutaminase) sequence. However, there was no positive result using the six primers designed forBos taurus transglutaminase and the six primers designed for S. scrofa transglutaminase. PCR amplification withG3 and G5 primers in surimi based products also showed negative results. Based on this study, G3 primersequence for chicken showed 99 % of G. gallus similar XP-C repair complementing (transglutaminase) followedby G5 primer which also obtained 99 % G. gallus hypothetical LOC428804 (transglutaminase) of significantidentity. However, for primer of cow and pig, there were no positive results. On the contrary, PCR amplificationon surimi based products had not showed positive bands of chicken blood transglutaminase, G3 and G5 in thesamples. Further research should be done to verify the consistency of this result and to redesign the primersfor cow and pig’s blood transglutaminase enzymes in order to increase its specificity which is vital in assuringthe reliability of the detection method in food products in accordance to the Halal food guidelines andregulations.
Key words: Transglutaminase Fish Surimi Primer Design Polymerase Chain Reaction
Key words: Transglutaminase Fish Surimi Primer Design Polymerase Chain Reaction
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Detection Of Blood Transglutaminase Enzyme In Fish Surimi Based Product By Using Polymerase Chain Reaction (pcr) Method
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